On International Volunteers Week RSL LifeCare would like to thank the many volunteers who give us their time, their talents and their compassion to make the lives of our residents full of colour and variety.
Each year we present the Milne-Wood Award to outstanding volunteers across the organisation. In 2018, from ten nominees, five outstanding individuals were honoured with the award. They are:
Kevin Anderson – volunteer, Florence Price Gardens, Ballina
Kevin has volunteered for over 20 years and is known as “Kevin from Heaven” at Florence Price Gardens at Ballina. He is kind, generous and always happy to assist residents, even turning down a position in the laundry when the village was called “Ex-Services Village” opting rather to provide one-on-one support to residents. He takes the time to get to know residents and they look forward to his visits. He escorts residents to external appointments with dentists, GPs and also travels with them to Lismore when required. He is well known and well loved in the Ballina community and also gives his time to other organisations.
Irene Axton – resident, RSL ANZAC Village, Narrabeen
Irene is held in high esteem by residents and staff. Irene has worked tirelessly baking Christmas cakes to raise money for the Montgomery Committee, assist with morning teas and lunches at the Chapel, works with Legacy, looks after the Village Legacy widows, sings with the Veterans Voices performing in our nursing homes, provides emotional support to residents and is always the first to put her hand up to assist. Irene has been volunteering since her Dad was in the nursing home, long before she and Peter moved into the Village.
Flo Gibbons – volunteer, Remembrance Village, Wagga Wagga
Flo is a valued member of the volunteer community and has a huge impact on residents, staff and family members of Remembrance Village. Flo makes the different costumes and dresses up for the many special occasions. She knits scarves and coat hangers to be given as bingo prizes. She assists many activities as well as bus outings, and serves afternoon teas. She assists in the laundry in her spare time folding washing and sets the tables in the dining room. Flo has the capacity to genuinely radiate positivity to all around her. She is inspirational and a true volunteer, never expecting anything in return.
Glenn Nichols – photographer and volunteer, RSL ANZAC Village, Narrabeen
Glenn has been associated with RSL LifeCare for over 25 years, both in his professional capacity as a pest control contractor and snake catcher but more importantly as a volunteer, supporting residents and staff. Glenn is a professional photographer but volunteers his time and attends every event. He has been known to delay an overseas trip simply to “be here”. Glenn is also heavily involved with Heart Kids and Cure our Kids Foundation as well as with Father Chris Riley. Glenn believes that a little love goes a long way.
Graziano Usatti – maintenance officer, Rowland Village, Galston
Graziano is well known by the residents for his “can-do” attitude and caring nature. If a resident is in hospital, they can expect a visit. He gives residents all of his attention which makes them feel acknowledged and special. He often helps residents by, for example, erecting a fence, repairing an oven, a paint job and helping someone move – all in his own time. He is very humble, volunteers graciously and without expectations.
Story by Helen Johnston
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