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COVID-19 Vaccination

Last updated 13 Feb, 2025

COVID-19 vaccines are now provisionally approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for people aged 16 years and over, and are being distributed within NSW and ACT imminently.

The first people to receive the vaccine are those who are most vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 or who have the highest risk of being exposed to or spreading, the virus.

In NSW and the ACT, this includes:

  • Healthcare workers working in locations with a higher risk of exposure to, and transmission of COVID-19, such as emergency departments, COVID-19 testing clinics, and COVID-19 wards.
  • Staff working in designated quarantine facilities.
  • Residents and staff of residential care and disability care facilities.

Staff and residents at RSL LifeCare Residential Care homes will be some of the first to receive the vaccine.

We are now working directly with local health authorities, who will visit RSL LifeCare Residential Care homes and administer the treatment to staff and residents from Monday 22 February onwards. This is a phased approach, and the homes will be visited on different dates in coming weeks.

Those who opt to receive the vaccine will be asked to sign a consent form before it being administered. While the vaccination is not mandatory, we strongly encourage staff and residents to take advantage of this opportunity.

This webpage will include information directly from Federal and State Government health departments, and details of the consent form and requirements for signing.

RSL LifeCare will continue to follow Federal, State and Territory Public Health COVID-19 protocols and our own risk assessment protocols until further notice. Details of the RSL LifeCare Risk Assessment protocol can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the vaccine that is being administered?

    What is the vaccine that is being administered?

    The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is now provisionally approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for people aged 16 years and over, and is being distributed within NSW and ACE from February 22 2021 onwards.

  • Who will be receiving the vaccine?

    Who will be receiving the vaccine?

    The first people to receive the vaccine are those who are most vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 or who have the highest risk of being exposed to or spreading, the virus.  In NSW and the ACT, this includes:

    • Healthcare workers working in locations with a higher risk of exposure to, and transmission of COVID-19, such as emergency departments, COVID-19 testing clinics, and COVID-19 wards.
    • Staff working in designated quarantine facilities.
    • Residents and staff of residential aged and disability care facilities.
  • When will the vaccine be administered?

    When will the vaccine be administered?

    Staff and residents at RSL LifeCare Residential Care homes will be some of the first to receive the vaccine from 22 February 2021 onwards. This is a phased approach, and the homes will be visited on different dates in coming weeks.

    Your Facility Manager will advise you about the Vaccination Team visit’s date and time as the information becomes available.

  • Is the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory?

    Is the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory?

    No, the vaccine is not mandatory although we strongly encourage you to have yourself vaccinated.

  • Do I need to make a booking to receive the vaccine?

    Do I need to make a booking to receive the vaccine?

    No. If you are a staff member or a resident you will be given the opportunity to receive the vaccine without having to make a booking.

  • Who will administer the vaccine?

    Who will administer the vaccine?

    The vaccine will be administered by a member of the NSW Health or ACT Health Vaccination team. The vaccine will not be administered by an RSL LifeCare staff member.

  • Do I need to give consent to receive the vaccine?

    Do I need to give consent to receive the vaccine?

    Yes. A consent form needs to be signed by the person receiving the COVID-19 vaccine or their nominated, legal guardian. A consent form can be found here and copies will also be available at each residential care home.

  • My family member is unable to give consent. Am I able to provide consent on their behalf?

    My family member is unable to give consent. Am I able to provide consent on their behalf?

    Yes.  You can provide consent on the behalf of someone else if you are their nominated, legal guardian. A consent form can be found here and copies will also be available at each residential care home.

  • Are COVID-19 health protocols still in place?

    Are COVID-19 health protocols still in place?

    Yes. We are still in the midst of a pandemic. RSL LifeCare are still taking every precaution to minimise the risk of COVID-19 including the use of face masks; social distancing, hand and surface sanitising and restrictions of visits by people from known ‘hot spot’ areas. You can find more information here.

  • Do I need to show proof of having had the vaccine to be able to visit the home?

    Do I need to show proof of having had the vaccine to be able to visit the home?

    No. You do not need to show proof of having had the vaccine to be able to visit the home. However, RSL LifeCare are still taking every precaution to minimise the risk of COVID-19 including the use of face masks; social distancing, hand and surface sanitising and restrictions of visits by people from known ‘hot spot’ areas. You can find more information here.

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