There are a variety of government programs through which you may be able to receive funding for your care. We understand this process can be very daunting. To help you understand what this process may mean for you, below is the simple 6 steps you will need to take.
You can contact us at any stage of process and our friendly team will happily walk you through and guide you on each step of the way.
If you haven’t started exploring subsidised care OR are still in the process of getting your Residential Care assessment it is still possible to provide care for you now while you wait. Speak with us to find out how we can help you.
ACAT Assessment Process
Call our friendly team on 1300 232 564 to support you through the process:
Register with My
Aged Care
Call 1800 200 422 or visit They will register your details and refer you to your local Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).
Arrange an income
The Department of Human Services (DHS). This is a separate assessment to determine if you’re eligible for government assistance with your aged care costs.
Arrange your ACAT
Soon after you have registered with My Aged Care, you will be contacted by your local ACAT to arrange an assessment in your own home or hospital (if you have been admitted). This will be to determine your aged care needs and recommend services that will suit your needs best.
Receive your ACAT
Assessment outcome
You will be contacted via letter to outline the type of care you have been approved to receive. This may be for Aged Care, Home Care Package (HCP) or the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
Confirmation you are
on the wait-list
Depending on what funding you are eligible for, you may need to wait some time before you can receive the funding. If you require urgent care, you can still receive the care you need immediately from RSL LifeCare through either Private Services, or CHSP
Choose RSL LifeCare as
your Provider or Choice
Start receiving the care you need today.
Get startedWould you like to visit one of our Residential Care Homes?
Once you have been assessed, there are many different homes available. We would recommend visiting a few different Residential Care homes and finding one you feel more comfortable with. Ensure you have an understanding of the costs associated with your preferred home. The various costs can be complicated and some people take advantage of independent Residential Care specific advice.
Home Support Services
Depending on your requirement, RSL LifeCare provide services that assist you with remaining at home, keeping you connected to your local community . Below are the difference services you may be eligible to receive funding for.

Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
- Government-funded program
- Low-level needs
- Short-term support after hospital discharge or injury
- Good solution while you wait for your Home Care Package (HCP)

Home Care Package (HCP)
- Government-funded program
- 4 levels of funding based on your needs
- Long term packages available
- Wide range of services for people needing all levels of support

Department of Veterans Affairs Home Care (DVA)
Veterans Home Care
- VHC Government-funding available
Community Nursing Program
- No cost associated if you are eligible
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