Employees honoured for commitment to working with RSL LifeCare
Federal MP Jason Falinski says the age care system has never been better and the biggest reason for this is the people working in the sector.
Mr Falinski recently spoke at RSL LifeCare’s Long Service Awards lunch, held at “The War Vets” in Narrabeen.
“Caring for the elderly is a ‘team sport’ and it is only done well when everyone is doing their job well, not just one or two people in the link,” he said.
A clear purpose comes across in every dealing you have with RSL LifeCare,” he said. “Everyone knows why they are there and what they are there to do. This level of commitment is fantastic.”
– Federal MP Jason Falinski
The annual event was to recognise the dedication and hard work of staff whose commitment to the organisation has been evident for five, 10, 20 and 30 years.
Awards were also presented to employees who have received Board Education Scholarships and Education Achievement Awards.
Mr Falinski said RSL LifeCare was one of the groups that had “pulled up” the entire sector.
“A clear purpose comes across in every dealing you have with RSL LifeCare,” he said. “Everyone knows why they are there and what they are there to do. This level of commitment is fantastic.”
Altogether, 36 staff members were heralded at the Long Service event. One of these was Rita Banning who has worked at the War Vets for 30 years. During that time she has had to embrace enormous change in the organisation, working with a number of CEOs. She was cited as an important part of the business and her contribution and loyalty to RSL LifeCare was valued by both residents and staff.
Meanwhile, Karen Peek and Dimity Vanderpot have had their scholarships extended, respectively, for nursing and physiotherapy.
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